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Beautiful View Yoga
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Ways to calm down the noise
in the world
A main tenant of yogic principals is the concept of Ahimsa; also known as loving kindness or non-violence. In coping with loss, illness, aging, grief, and other forms of suffering, practicing behaviors that support Ahimsa may relieve anxiety, stress, discomfort, and untethered feelings allowing practitioners to live a more satisfying existence.
Below are suggestions for ways to recharge your positive energy and perhaps gain new perspectives in our beautiful world. As with all things in yoga, take what works for you and leave the rest behind.
Suggestions are welcome!!!!
Forest Bathing
Retreat to nature and become immersed in the natural environment. Tune-in to the surroundings by experiencing it through all the senses. Be still and notice everything with a calm mind.
What brings you happiness?
Create a list of things that make you happy and post it on your refrigerator for regular viewing. List things from the simple to the sublime.
Change of Pace
Shift or vary regular routines.
Put the opposite pant leg on first when dressing.
Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand.
Take a side road on the way to the grocery store. For that matter, drive down an unfamiliar road and see where it goes.
Develop/deepen relationships with (new) friends.
Learn something new: knitting, language, card games, astronomy, poetry, history, oceanography, weaving, cooking, gardening, woodworking, maybe even try the world of artificial intelligence! The possibilities are limitless!
Listen to happy songs and watch feel good movies
Create playlists of upbeat music ~ maybe some without words. Listen to the playlists when you need space for yourself.
Watch programs that transport your mind to another frequency. Some people find action movies helpful while others watch romcoms. You do you.
Videos of animals can be calming. (Try searching YouTube for baby elephants playing!!)
Belly Breathing
Reclined or seated: Expand the belly on the inhale, gently retract the belly on the exhale. Slow, smooth, deep inhalation followed by long, slow exhalation. Repeat many times. This may be practiced with the eyes closed or the gaze soft. Relax the tension from the soft tissues of the body as you breathe. Keep the facial expression soft and the jaw relaxed.
Savor nutritious foods
Find gratitude for a warm cup of tea held between your hands.
Eat slowly to enjoy all the sensations of wholesome food.
Envision how the food strengthens and sustains the body.
Create a list of healthy foods to add to your diet.
Have a good cry
A good cry can release oxytocin and endorphins which ease physical and emotional suffering. It can also help shift from a fight or flight mode to a more relaxed state. It might even improve one's complexion!
Be Productive
Work on your to-do list, even if it's just one accomplishment a day.
Take a nap in the sun
Follow the example of our furry friends and curl up in a sunny place for a nap.
Watch sunrise or sunset
Two reasons for viewing the light rays of the early morning and the late day sky:
The occasional awesome display of sunlight playing with the clouds.
Viewing the sky during those times can help set our circadian rhythm and might improve sleep.
There are many ways to mediate. Start simple. Get into a comfortable position. Have a gentle awareness of the tip of your nose or the center of your forehead. Sit with that for a bit. Shift awareness to your long, slow, smooth, steady breathing. Notice the thoughts that bubble up. Refrain from attaching judgement when the thoughts float into your mind. Instead, bring awareness back to the breath. Move when you need to but avoid fidgeting as much as possible. Notice the patterns of the thoughts. Let go of expectations. Try increasing mediation time in 5 minute increments to maybe 20 - 30 minutes. There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Be patient with yourself. It's a practice.
Could be occasional, seasonal, or a regular schedule. It's a great way to meet people, feel valued, and share your talent!
Positive Quotes
Create a few index cards with positive or witty sayings and post them on the bathroom mirror, one at a time.
Spend time with animals
Interacting with friendly animals can decrease the amount of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body.
Kind animals can trigger the release of serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin, which aid in relaxing.
Petting animals can help with blood pressure.
Happy pets offer unconditional love.
Find exercise that you enjoy. You might play alone, with friends, on teams, on-line, real-time, etc. All are great options. Stay safe while being as active as possible.
Read an engaging
Get comfortable and settle in with a good book. Reading can reduce the heart rate, ease muscle tension, and alter the state of mind.
Spend time with friends and family
Socializing with empathic people is good for our well being. Sharing diverse perspectives is good for the brain.
Practice gratitude
Write thank you letters to people who don't expect one.
David DeSteno, author of Emotional Success writes that practicing gratitude daily is like taking a vitamin. Daily gratitude makes bodies work better.
Studies link a thankful life to fewer aches & pains, and better sleep.
Skip and/or whistle
Instant mood elevator!!! As long as the body can do these childhood activities ~ have at it!
Look for the middle way
Navigate the day without too much attachment or too much aversion. Observe without critique until the story is understood. Look for a moderate and harmonious path in many situations.
Clear night star gazing
For optimal effect, set up a "bed" outside with a tarp as a base, then a comforter to lay on, a comforter or two over you, great pillows, etc. No need to strain your neck or be uncomfortable while gazing. Enjoy the awesome view of planes, satellites, constellations, the Milky Way,
planets, and maybe the space station or a few shooting stars. Ponder the vastness of the universe you can see from our beautiful blue planet.
Practice self care
Investigate best practices for good sleep hygiene.
Take a soothing bath with calming music and mood lighting.
When the inner voice is chiding, remember you are not your thoughts and reframe the inner conversation to an accepting voice.
Spend time with people who are supportive and honest.
Make self care a priority, even if they are short windows of time.
Customize a doable plan for self care and do your best to follow it.
Your suggestion could be here!
We all know life comes with ups and downs. Navigating through these times can be challenging and difficult. A combination of these strategies may provide a bit of relief when the time is right.
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